The genre video is definitely Rock and Roll, I can tell because the main sequence is of Bob Dylan performing on a 1960’s-esque stage with a rock band playing in the background to back him up. They are playing mainly electric guitars and drum kits and the camera continuously switches focus between Bob Dylan and the rock band each time from different angles but more commonly showing close-ups and panning shots of Bob Dylan while he sings Like a Rolling Stone. The camera switches between close-ups, panning shots, tracking shots and whip pan for the most part. There are several instances of p.o.v. and reverse p.o.v shots.
However there is a lot more to the video than just that as the interactive aspect is that the video is designed to function like a digital TV package, as it offers the viewer the opportunity to change channels, just like they would on their normal TV Sets. The video features 16 different fictional channels, each one featuring the characters within lip-syncing to Bob Dylan’s singing.
This video is very good because it puts the viewer very much in control. However, the fact it switches between 16 different channels each featuring different characters lip-syncing to the song makes it all the more harder to determine exactly what the narrative of the video is as it is telling 16 different stories at once. The channels are all parodies of real TV Channels such as BBC News, Reality TV and the History Channel for example. The video has a lot to offer the viewer in terms of variety and entertainment. It is just like watching your own TV Set. There are numerous outcomes on each channel and each one has its own narrative but the viewer can only find out what those narratives are if he or she just watches one channel for the duration of the video.