We recorded the Cyber-Stalker's lines and the Paranormal Voice on a Zoom H4N Recorder in one of the small meeting rooms in the Oaklands College LRC on May 16th.
On May 17th, we went to the unoccupied property at 25 Hollycopse, Stevenage to use one of the upstairs bedrooms as Frankie's room to do our filming which we started at 9.30am and finished by 3pm then we went to James' home to transfer our raw footage on to our hard drives but we could not start editing right away as it was too late in the day.
On May 26th, James and I went into Natalie Cooper's unoccupied room F301 to film me as the Cyber-Stalker. I insisted that this time, we would film in reduced light so I turned all the lights off and closed most of the blinds. James occupied the role of Cinematographer while I read from my script wearing the black balaclava and Army jacket once more. Once this was over, James left to do his editing at home while I continued my editing in F303. I continued and finished my editing the next day.