NAME: Michael C. Bungay
Interactive Music Video Evaluation
How well did you keep to your time schedules?
We managed to get all our scenes filmed in two weeks and keep to our time schedules but during the first week, we had to film all the scenes in which only Director Jack Cocklin and Producer James Acraman were required to perform as we did not manage to find a volunteer from Performing Arts, Ellouise Marney was off sick, none of our peers were available as their groups eventually turned up and I was our Cinematographer. For the second week, we hired Michaela Brister as our Performing Arts as Ellouise was already our Assistant Director and Primary Editor and she preferred to be part of the filming crew than the cast.
Did you see your ideas through – is your final product as you planned? Compare your original intentions as outlined in your treatment to your final product)
We managed to see most our ideas through to the extent of filming the argument between Jack and Michaela and Michaela walking out on him within the confines of F Block, Jack looking down in the dumps in the canteen and walking through Welwyn Garden City, past the fountain and through Stanborough Park where Jack was to either confront James and Michaela or walk away. However, we had also hoped to begin with a scene of Jack waking up in bed and end with him and James fighting and ending up in prison but difficulties with finding appropriate premises in which to film those scenes put paid to those plans. This ultimately has done us and our product some good as this saved us a lot of filming time and therefore gave us more time for editing and our final product is mostly as we finally planned.
What you did well?
Our pre-production went relatively well once we realised that we needed to cut out certain scenes to reduce the amount of filming time so that we would more time for editing, the only real difficulty was effectively planning our story strands. We also did very well to get all our filming done within two weeks despite the lack of a Performing Arts Volunteer and our Assistant Director during the first week and the threat of rain when filming the fountain scene and the climatic scenes in Stanborough Park.
What you could have done better?
We could have done a better job of planning our story strands as Diane Fensom had to help us to learn how different strands work by having all of us write random scenarios that fed off each other and only then were we able to properly get a good idea of where we wanted to go with our story strands. Our editing and our storyline are clearly in need of improvement as these particular assets have been heavily criticised by our peers.
How well have you used technology? What technical qualities do you think are the best in your work? What are your technical weaknesses
We have used the technology at our disposal well as we are already well familiar with how to use to the Canon XF100 Camera and Adobe Premier Pro on the Macs and Computers in the Media Department. We were unfamiliar with how to use Interlude and some of us are still having difficulties with getting it to work and play our music videos despite Kelli Watson’s friend Daniela Deleto coming in to introduce us to Interlude and teach us how it works.
What aesthetic qualities do you think are the best in your work? What are your aesthetical weaknesses?
I think the best aesthetic qualities are the use of the fountain in Welwyn Garden City and how we have used it to show how Jack as the old boyfriend is searching high and low for Michaela the girlfriend and the scenes in Stanborough Park to show that Michaela is now with James and Jack is now on his own and has to either confront them or walk away. The weak point is the over use of Jack sitting canteen, looking at his phone, out of the window and just moping as those scenes only serve to slow the pace of the storylines and especially the one in which he tries to follow Michaela after she falls out with him. The use of the stairs in F Block serve their purpose well in emphasising that Jack and Michaela really are finished and the Over The Shoulder Tracking Shot of Michaela walking out the door and the Over the Shoulder Shot of Jack watching her walk away are all aesthetically pleasing qualities of our music video I feel.
Is your final product fitness for purpose in terms of content and style?
My final product has required some editing on its second story strand to keep it on subject, maintain continuity and make sure it is as long as the song I have used and no longer than but otherwise it is fit for purpose in terms of content and style. It is interactive and fits in with our chosen song “If You Wanna” by The Vaccines.
What feedback have you received from the audience (peers, client, teacher/tutor, media professional.)
So far I received feedback from one of my tutors that the first story strand is appropriate, stays on the subjects dictated by the options and lasts as long as our chosen soundtrack but the second story strand is too long and goes off the subjects dictated by the options and has required editing which I have completed but not managed to upload at the time of writing. I have since successfully finished editing and uploading my music video but we have used our group edit for the student critique. The general feedback we have received is that our editing is too simple, weird, unimaginative and boring and the storyline does not entertain or make sense. The camera movement is shaky though it is not easy to keep the camera steady when following the subject down the stairs meaning the camera has to be handheld. The storyline is not quite as long as the song as the criteria stipulated and the fight sequence has room for improvement and all the buttons lead to the same thing.
Self-assessment: what worked well, what areas would you improve, what are the strengths & weaknesses of the product and of your performance in this project?
The filming went very well despite the over use of the canteen, the constant threat of bad weather and the absence of Ellouise and a Performing Arts Volunteer during our first week of filming. Editing took a lot longer than anticipated as none of us were used to editing more than one storyline at once and was further hindered by problems trying to get our finished story strands up on to Interlude. The Pre-Production was let down by having to cut out certain ideas and having to work out how the different story strands were going to work out. My strengths were Pre-Production as I was able to come up with both versions of our shot-list independently and operate the camera with little help but my biggest weakness was the editing as I struggled with it a lot and took longer to finish it than the rest of the group.