Psychographic of the target audience in reation to the Psychographic of the participants (how you know this)
The Psychographic of the target audience are mostly mainstreamers. I know this because all but one the people who filled in my questionnaire said they would spend their last £10 before payday on food, one specifically said bread.
Socioeconomic status of the target audience (and how you know this)
The socioeconomic status of my target audience is varied but the majority are of the working class or the lowest level of subsistence as one of my volunteers is retired, one is unemployed, one does not earn any income, one earns £12K a year and three refused to answer. There were two volunteers who are of the middle class as they earn in the regions of £50K-£139K a year. My Christmas film meets the expectations of the majority of the volunteers as it focuses on a working class family.
Geodemographic of the target audience (and how you know this)
The Geodemographic of my target audience varies between urban, suburban and rural but the majority of the people who filled in my questionnaire live in an urban area and all but one were either urban or suburban. My Christmas film meets these expectations as it focuses on a suburban family.
Identity according to race, age, gender (socially grouped) and how you know this
More males volunteered to fill in my questionnaire than females and the age groups of the volunteers varied from their late 20’s to early 70’s but half of them were people in their 50’s and 60’s and the majority ranged from their 30’s to their 60’s
Identity according to media and social tastes. How you know this and what this includes e.g. their Christmas habits and traditions)
The majority of the volunteers declared their most favourite thing about Christmas is spending time with family. This ties in with the idea for my Christmas film, which involves a family spending Christmas together. They mostly expect a Christmas film to be humorous and happy, as long as it has a good storyline and not too sad. My Christmas meets these expectations, as it is mainly Comedy and upbeat.
Male 6
Female 4
Age Range
20's 1
30's 2
40's 1
50's 3
60's 2
70's 1
Suburban 3
Urban 6
Rural 1
Favourite Thing About Christmas
Family 6
Food 2
Other 2