Music video Blog
Use video clips and images in this blog to support your points.
Use these headings for guidance:
Is there anything ground breaking or significant about your chosen music video – why have you selected it?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjR_FBL7vb8 – I have selected this video because I am particularly interested in the songs of Elvis Presley.
Who is your Music video for (artist/performer) and when was it made
My chosen music video is Suspicious Minds, first performed by Elvis Presley in 1969 although it was actually written and first recorded by Mark James in 1968.
What Genre is your Music Video and how can you identify this?
The music video is a mix of Soul and Rock, I can identify the Rock aspect as it shows Elvis Presley performing on stage with a heavy metal rock band playing in the background on their guitars and drum kits.
What genre conventions can you identify?
I can identify that the conventions of rock included within this video are indicated by the presence of several musicians playing on their guitars and drum kits.
Who is the intended audience for this video and how can you tell this?
The video is intended for a mature audience, I can tell because the song in question concerns the subject of two lovers enduring a mistrusting and dysfunctional relationship, and they need to overcome their issues in order to maintain it.
Where would you most likely watch this music video (what platform and why)
I would most likely watch this music video on YouTube as Elvis Presley is still highly popular to this day and his performances are available to watch on YouTube.
What is the narrative of your music video? Does it include the artist performing?
The music video revolves around the artist performing on stage, he is very much the centre of attention while the accompanying band are only performing in the background to back him up.
Analyses the micro elements: camera, editing, mise en scene
The mise en scene varies between a row of parked cars which serves as the Establishing SHot and the stage where Elvis Presley is performing, with rock musicians playing their drum kits and guitars in the background to back him up while sitting on their stools with Elvis singing into his microphone. The camera tends to focus on Elvis Presley and particularly in close-up shots and tracking shots of him walking across the stage which features a mix of medium close-up shots and zooming in and out. The focus also occasionally to the parked cars, starting with a long shot of Elvis as he walks towards the camera. There is also briefly a two shot of Elvis and a woman in the street then long shots of Elvis on the stage then a tracking shot of Elvis with two stage workers in hard hats then a low-angle shot of a high rise building.