I spent May 18th-20th editing my footage in order to produce a Rough Cut. The first day, James brought his laptop with him as he intended to do his editing on Adobe Elements ratehr than Premeir Pro and then he taught me how to use Elements so that I could start my editing. From May 19th onwards however, James' family wouldn't allow him to bring his laptop to college so he had to do his editing at home and I had to continue mine on Premier Pro. In the end, I ended up producing 3 Rough Cuts, unitentionally due to unforeseen problems that neither me nor the Technicians could solve. The most notable problem was solving the problem of the Cyber-Stalker appearing on James' laptop since his parents would not allow him to operate it during filming. I tried imposing a still image of the Cyber-Stalker whenever teh laptop screen appeared but this created a problem in which the image appeared in front of James when it was supposed to be behind him. I only discovered this problem after producing my first Rough Cut. For my 2nd Rough Cut, I tried making the image smaller in the clips where it obscured James but this created obvious Continuity Errors and Inconsistencies that prompted the creation of a 3rd Rough Cut. In the last Rough Cut, I compensated by extending the image of the Cyber-Stalker so that it covered the whole screen.
I screened my Final Rough edit to the class on May 23rd, the general feedback I received was that the room was too brightly lit for a Horror film (I had requested for James to dim the lights but he claimed I would not be able to see properly to do any filming) and the plot was more funny than scary, the Cyber-Stalker should have been filmed rather than photographed and as has so often been a problem for us throughout this project, the ending was not very popular, some students stating that Frankie hanging himself is too over the top. I intended to make the tone for my Final Cut darker and cut out periods of long pauses and having finally acquired the audio in its entirety, I could make a vast improvement on that and I arranged with James to film me actually performing as the Cyber-Stalker on May 26th. I managed to desaturate the tone of my film and cut down all the scenes that were spoiled by pauses.