By Michael C. Bungay
On January 14th 2016, Ellouise Marney, Jack Cocklin, James Acraman and I conducted a survey as research for our interactive music video project and we had to film ourselves interviewing our volunteers in what was to be our Vox Pops. The song we have chosen for our music video is If You Wanna by Indie-Rock band The Vaccines. Because The Vaccines are one of the more modern bands of recent times, we figured that the people who were most likely to have heard of them and listen to their songs would be people in their teens and 20s. We had to speak to at least 5 people before going back to class to edit our footage. Before we went ahead with the survey, we decided that James would do the interviews, Jack would be our Cinematographer and Ellouise and I took turns at Directing. We first went down to the Howard Centre to look for volunteers. We filmed and interviewed one person in the Howard Centre but due to the lack of other volunteers within the age groups we were aiming for, we decided to go back to Oaklands and look for other volunteers on Campus. We interviewed and filmed our other 4 volunteers in the Performing Arts Department. Once had interviewed our 5 volunteers, we went back up to Kelli Watson’s room to edit our Vox Pops and put them on our websites.
Our age range was limited to the ages of 16-19 and only one of our volunteers actually knew what an interactive music video is. Most of our volunteers claimed they fell into the Middle Class category on the socioeconomic table. On the psychographic table, two of our volunteers claimed to be explorers, one claimed to be an aspirer, one a reformer and one a succeeder. Most of our volunteers claimed they knew who The Vaccines were but they did not know any of their songs or heard of them and certainly not the one we are intending to use in our music video.
Our responses were not as reliable as we hoped they would be as they got us no closer to deciding what we ought to include in our music video or whom our target audience should be. Therefore, we have mostly had to rely on our own judgement and existing knowledge of the socioeconomic and psychographic tables to decide what the storyline for our music video should be and how it is going to tie-in with our chosen song. As most of our volunteers claimed to be explorers, we have decided that explorers aged 16-19 will be our target audience. We have tried to make the best judgements we can based on the knowledge we have gained from our responses but that knowledge is otherwise very limited. We may have received more reliable and helpful responses if we had interviewed people of different age groups like most of the other groups did as three of them interviewed people in their 40s, 60s and 70s.