This is a script for a possible stage show of The Wizard of Oz that I have been writing for most of 2015
Creative writing group script of
The Wizard of Oz
Zeke, ploughman/ Lion
Hunk, Harvester/ Scarecrow
Hickory, Blacksmith/ Tin man
Aunt Em/ Farm Manager
Dorothy/ Niece
Toto/ Farm dog
Miss Gulch/ wicked witch of the west
Prof Marvel/ Wizard of Oz
The Following characters are involved in the opening scene. Set in turn of the century Kansas.
Dorothy enters the stage calling for Aunt Em.
Dorothy Aunt Em, Aunt Em
Aunt Em enters the stage
Aunt Em I’m busy, what’s wrong
Dorothy Miss Gulch says she is going to kill Toto. Please stop her!
Aunt Em Relax, she is not going to kill him. She just wants to give you a fright that’s all.
Dorothy ( Responds) She does, she does. She really wants to kill Toto. Why will no one listen to me?
Dorothy and Aunt Em leave the stage. Zeke, Hickory and Hunk enter the stage. Working on a fence.
It is the quiet before the storm. The land is dry and there’s not a sound to be heard. Other than the farm machinery ( sound effect).
Hickory says to hunk.
Hickory Oi, give us a hand?
Hunk You’re stronger than me!
Zeke Come on guys, get the tools out and give it a shove.
Hickory Hammer and axe at the ready!
Dorothy enters the stage, runs over to Zeke, hickory and hunk.
Dorothy .Please help guys? Miss Gulch wants to kill Toto.
Zeke You should know. Her bark is worse than her bite. Anyway you are looking very pretty today!
Hunk That dress really suits you.
Hickory Toto is far too smart to get caught by Miss Gulch!
Miss Gulch appears at the top of the horizon coming down the hill on her push bike.
Dorothy Oh no look. She has come to take Toto.!
Zeke, Hickory and Hunk. All turn round to see Miss Gulch. Miss Gulch enters through the farm gate.
Miss Gulch Where is Emily? I want to talk to her about that nasty little mongrel and whining school girl.
Dorothy No I’m not a whining school girl. You are a horrid witch and you will never take toto.
Zeke, Hickory and Hunk leave the stage. Aunt Em enters. Miss Gulch turns to talk to Aunt Em.
Miss Gulch You’re niece has been arguing with me and that repulsive little canine has been on my land again. I warned you that. I would take that dog of yours. If it came on my land again.
Aunt Em I’m sure it was just an accident. Toto is not a dangerous dog. I’m sure he meant no damage.
Miss Gulch No that dog is coming with me and I will not be talked out of it. Also I have this letter allowing me to take him.!
Dorothy No. I will run away with Toto and you will never see us again.
Miss Gulch takes Toto away. Dorothy is in the house crying, she runs into the bedroom and slams the door shut.
Half way to Miss gulchs home. Toto escapes and makes his way back to the farm. Toto jumps through the window of Dorothy’s bedroom and licks Dorothy on the face. Dorothy rejoices.
Dorothy Oh. Toto you’re back. How wonderful. We better leave before Miss Gulch comes back for you.
Dorothy packs a small case. Then makes her way out from the farm.
Song “Somewhere over the rainbow”
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There’s a land that I’ve heard of, once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams you dare to dream
Really do come true.
Someday I’ll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
High above the chimney tops,
That’s where you’ll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then oh why can’t I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why oh why can’t I?
Dorothy is making her way along the farm road with Toto. When she comes across Professor Marvel
Enter Professor Marvel. He waves his lantern in the air and announces
Professor Marvel I am, Professor Marvel and I will tell your fortune. What is your name. No, no don’t tell me. It’s
Dorothy. Dorothy and this is my dog Toto.
Professor Marvel Welcome Dorothy step this way and I will tell you your fortune.
Dorothy is intrigued by this, professor marvel waves his hands above a box, which contains a crystal ball.
Professor Marvel I need some information for this to work, Do you come from a farm?
Dorothy Yes, how did you know?
Professor Marvel Professor Marvel, never reveals his secrets. (looking away) I see a house and a picket fence and a barn. I see a lady clutching her chest and weeping in sorrow. She is calling out someone’s name.
Dorothy Aunt Em. I must go and see her.
Professor Marvel. You better be quick a storm is brewing. A whopper!
Dorothy Thank you very much, Professor Marvel.
Professor Marvel Goodbye Dorothy. Good luck and be careful.
Dorothy runs back to the farm. The storm is starting to build up momentum and power. By the time Dorothy gets back to the farm. Everyone else has taken cover in the storm cellar. Dorothy runs into the house.
Suddenly the storm strikes the house and the rafters and foundations start to move. The house is lifted up way into the sky and then from the eye of the storm. Dorothy sees Zeke, hickory and hunk being thrown round. We then see miss gulch on her bike who transforms into the wicked witch of the west on her broomstick. Dorothy jumps underneath the bed. Then the house descends down. A slight scream is heard outside. As the house lands in munchkin land.
Dorothy Toto I have a feeling. We are not in Kansas anymore. We must be over the rainbow
Glynda the good witch appears and says to Dorothy.
Glynda Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
Dorothy I’m not a witch at all. I’m Dorothy gale from Kansas
Glynda points to toto and says
Glynda Is that a witch?
Dorothy No, that’s my dog Toto.
Glynda I’m glynda the good witch of the north. You have just killed the wicked witch of the east and the munchkins wish to thank you.
Dorothy Who are the munchkins?
Glynda Come out, come out where ever you are?
Munchkins . We thank you very sweetly
You’ve killed her so completely
And done it very neatly
So thank you very sweetly
Glynda Let the joyous news be spread
At last the wicked witch is dead
Munchkins Ding Dong merry oh, sing it high sing it low
Hey ho the wicked witch is dead
Wake up you sleepy head, Rub your eyes,
Get out of bed, Hey ho the wicked witch ids dead
The west witch appears
Dorothy I thought you said the wicked witch was dead.
Glynda That was the wicked witch of the east. This is the wicked witch of the west. She is far worse and you have just landed on her sister.
West witch Who killed my sister was it you. ( pointing at Dorothy)
Dorothy I didn’t mean to. It was an accident. (nervously)
West witch Well my little pretty. I can cause accidents too
Glynda Are you forgetting the ruby slippers?
West witch Yes, the slippers
Glynda Quick get the slippers on Dorothy.
West witch Give me those slippers. Their no use to you.
Glynda Don’t listen Dorothy. Those slippers must be very powerful or she wouldn’t want them so badly.
The west witch attempts to take the slippers but a force field pushes her back.
West witch Very well. I’ll bide my time, just stay out of my way but I’ll get you my pretty and your dog. (cackle, cackle)
West witch disappears
Glynda I’m afraid you have made an enemy of the west witch. The sooner you get out of Oz the better
Dorothy But how. I don’t know the way?
Glynda You need to find the wizard. The munchkins will show you the way. To the yellow brick road.
Glynda disappears
Song follow the yellow brick road/ We’re off to see the wizard
Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road
Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road
Follow the yellow brick road.
You’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz
You’ll find he is a wiz of a wiz if ever a wiz there was
If ever, oh ever, a wiz there was the wizard of Oz is one because,
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
You’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.
Dorothy walks down the yellow brick road and comes to a crossroads
Dorothy Follow the yellow brick road, now which way is it?
Scarecrow ( points to his right) That way is nice
Dorothy Who said that? ( Toto barks at scarecrow) Don’t be silly. It’s a scarecrow.
Scarecrow ( points to his left) That way’s pleasant too.
Dorothy Wasn’t he pointing the other way?
Scarecrow People go both ways (points both ways)
Dorothy You can talk! ( scarecrow shakes head then nods.) Do you do that on purpose? Or are you indecisive?
Scarecrow I am indecisive, I have no brain, just straw.
Dorothy How do you talk then?
Scarecrow I don’t know but some people without brains talk a lot, don’t they?
Dorothy Guess you’re right, we haven’t met properly, I’m Dorothy, How do you do?
Scarecrow How do you do?
Dorothy Very well, thank you.
Scarecrow . I’m not well at all, stuck up here all day with a pole up my back, It’s really uncomfortable and I can’t get down.
Dorothy Oh dear, I’ll help you ( climbs over the fence to reach scarecrow’s pole)
Scarecrow Just bend the nail down and I’ll slip-off ( Dorothy bends nail) ( Scarecrow falls off pole)WHOA! Whoops, I’m losing my straw, don’t worry, I’ll just re-stuff myself. I’m free ( leaps for joy and falls, Dorothy screams) Did I scare you?
Dorothy I just don’t want you to get hurt but you didn’t scare me.
Scarecrow I didn’t think so ( gets attacked by a crow) Go away, crow, go away! A scarecrow who can’t scare crows, they’re always bugging me about that, I’m a failure with no brain.
Dorothy What would you do if you had a brain
Scarecrow If I only had a brain (the song)
I could while away the hours, conferring with the flowers,
Consulting with the rain. And my head I’d be scratching
While my thoughts I’d be hatching, if I only had a brain
I’d unravel any riddll, for an individill, in trouble or in pain.
With the thoughts I’d be thinking, I could be another Lincoln.
If I only had a brain.
I would not be just a nothin’ with my head full of stuffin’
My hart full of pain. I could dance and be merry.
Life could be a dingleberry. If I only had a brain.
Falls at end of song. Whoa!
Dorothy WOW! If only my Aunt Em’s scarecrow in Kansas could do that!
Scarecrow Where’s Kansas
Dorothy That’s where I’m from and I need the Wizard of Oz to help me get back there.
Scarecrow The wizard of Oz? I wonder if he would give me a brain, if I came with you?
Dorothy Can’t say if he would or not? I also have a witch after me. I warn you!
Scarecrow Oh witches don’t worry me, nothing does, except lit matches, but I would face a whole box full just to get a brain. I’ll be no trouble cos I can’t manage or think, may I come with you?
Dorothy Of course you can!
Scarecrow Hooray! We’re off to see the wizard?
Dorothy and Scarecrow sing. We’re off to see the wizard
We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz
We hear he is a whiz of a wiz, if ever a wiz there was
If ever, oh ever a wiz there was, The wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does.
We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.
Dorothy, scarecrow and Toto walk down the yellow brick road and enter an apple orchard. Dorothy feels hungry and goes to pick one. ( witch of the west hides in the bushes)
Apple Tree Don’t touch my apples, you wouldn’t like people picking things off you!
Dorothy But I’m starv… wait, talking trees? (sighs) I’m not in Kansas am i?
Scarecrow Forget it Dorothy, those apples are full of worms!
Apple Tree WHY YOU! ( throws apples at scarecrow and Dorothy, scarecrow pulls faces back, one apple strikes something solid. PING!)
Dorothy What was that? ( finds errant apple and discovers tinman) A man made of tin! Look Scarecrow!) ( scarecrow picks himself up and sees tinman. Tinman starts to squeak)
Tinman ( squeaking ) Oil can ! Oil can ! Oil can!
Dorothy He’s trying to talk, ..he…said.. Oil can
Scarecrow Oil can? There’s one! ( sees oil can on a tree stump and picks it up and gives it to Dorothy)
Dorothy Where do you want to be oiled first, Tin man
Tinman ( squeaking) My mouth! My mouth!
Scarecrow Your mouth, alright! ( Scarecrow and Dorothy oil tinman’s mouth, tinman’s lips start to move)
Tinman I can talk again, can you do my arms now please, I’ve been stuck like this for a year, holding up my axe. I was chopping down trees then it started raining and I rusted solid and I was stuck like I said.
Dorothy Well you’re perfect now. ( she and scarecrow oil tinman’s limbs)
Tinman Me perfect? just bang my chest. ( Dorothy bangs tinman’s chest, there is a big echo)
Scarecrow What an echo!
Tinman It’s empty, the tin smith forgot to give me a heart so I’m all hollow
The tin man sings “ If I only had a heart”
When a man’s an empty kettle he should be on his mettle,
And yet I’m torn apart.
Just because I’m presumin’ that I could be kind-a- human,
If I only had a heart.
I’d be tender – I’d be gentle and awful sentimental
Regarding love and art.
I’d be friends with the sparrows… and the boys who shoot the arrows
If I only had a heart.
Picture me – a balcony. Above a voice sings low
Dorothy Wherefore art thou, Romeo
Tinman I hear a beat… How sweet.
Just to register emotion, jealousy – devotion,
And really feel the part.
I could stay young and chipper and I’d lock it with a slipper
If I only had a heart.
Oooh, I’m a bit rusty again
Dorothy (Oiling tinman) Scarecrow and I were just wondering if you would like to come with us to see the Wizard of Oz. Maybe he can give you a heart.
Tinman But what if he doesn’t?
Dorothy He’s got to, we’ve come a long way already. ( witch of the west cackles and appears out of the bushes)
Witch of the west A long way? You’ve just begun and if you two (pointing at scarecrow and tinman) are helping her then don’t or I’ll use you for a mattress ( points at scarecrow) and you for a beehive ( points at tinman) look scarecrow, a fire. ( Scarecrow jumps, Dorothy and tinman catch him, witch cackles again and takes off on her broom stick.
Scarecrow She doesn’t scare me and won’t make me into a mattress.
Tinman She won’t make me into a beehive.
Dorothy Oh, you two are such good friends, somehow I feel we’ve known each other forever
Scarecrow How is that possible?
Tinman We’ve all just met
Dorothy Well it doesn’t matter, we know each other now. ( join hands with scarecrow and tinman, they walk off singing.
“We’re off to see the wizard”
We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz
We hear he is a whiz of a whiz, if ever a whiz there was
If ever, oh ever a whiz there was, The wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz
Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow and Tinman walk down the yellow brick road and enter a forest, they huddle together in fear.
Dorothy Oooh, this forest is so dark and creepy.
Scarecrow It’s gonna get darker still I dare say.
Tinman It’s also likely full of wild animals like… LIONS!
Scarecrow … and TIGERS!
Dorothy … and BEARS
All together they say LIONS, TIGERS and BEARS. LIONS, TIGERS and BEARS.
All together. OH MY! ( They troop along in a huddle when suddenly a lion appears, teeth bared and growling, Scarecrow and tinman jump in fear and fall over, Dorothy catches them nearly losing her balance, scarecrow and tinman get to their feet and shield her)
Lion Put’em up! I’ll take you all on, you sneaks!
Scarecrow why don’t you go away!
Tinman Yes, leave us alone!
Lion Oh you’re scared, aren’t you? Come and fight me, you shivering junkyard, you bag of hay!
Scarecrow Now you’re getting personal!
Tinman Why don’t we teach him a lesson? (Toto barks at lion)
Lion I’ll get you tiny! ( he attempts to grab toto but Dorothy grabs Toto first and slaps lion who starts crying)
Dorothy You leave Toto alone!
Lion ( crying) I didn’t bite him
Dorothy You tried to, you shouldn’t pick on dogs!
Lion You shouldn’t hit people! ( still crying)
Dorothy You’re the one who’s making a big fuss and picking on things weaker than you, you’re a coward, that’s what you are!
Lion ( Embarrassed) I am a coward, I have no courage, I’m scared of everything, even myself so I can’t even sleep.
Scarecrow Maybe the wizard can help you too?
Dorothy Maybe he could, why don’t you come and see the wizard of Oz with us, we’re going to see him to get scarecrow a brain and tinman a heart, maybe he could give you some courage.
Lion I’m a cowardly lion. I’d only embarrass you all.
Dorothy, Tinman, Scarecrow. NO YOU wouldn’t
Lion Wow, that sure is nice of you, I’ve had such an unbearable life.
Dorothy Well, there’s no need to worry now, the wizard will help all of us.
Lion I’ve been like this for so long, I have lots to tell you all.
Dorothy Well then lets go. ( sets off with Toto, Scarecrow, Tinman and Lion.
Lion sings. “ If I only had the nerve”
Yeh, It’s sad, believe me, missy, when you’re born to be a sissy
Without vim and verve.
But I could show my prowess, be a lion not a mou- ess
If I only had the nerve.
I’m afraid there’s no denyin’ I’m just a dandelion,
A fate I don’t deserve
Lion, Tinman, Scarecrow ( one after the other) I’d be brave as a blizzard/ gentle as a lizard/ clever as a gizzard…
Dorothy If the wizard is a wizard who will serve.
Scarecrow/ Tinman/ Dorothy/Lion. ( one after the other) Then I’m sure to get a Brain/ a heart/a home/ the nerve. ( all 4 join hands and continue on their way to the Emerald City, singing.
“We’re off to see the wizard” for the final time.)
We’re off to see the wizard, The wonderful wizard of Oz
We hear he is a whiz of a whiz, if ever a whiz there was
If ever, oh ever a whiz there was, The wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
We’re off to see the wizard, The wonderful wizard of Oz.
Wicked witch of the west comes on stage and the focus switches to her. She looks at Dorothy and her friends. Who don’t realise she’s watching them and she cackles.
Witch of the west So that little girl and her dog won’t take my warnings seriously? Well, too bad for them cos. I’m gonna take care of them right now. When they come out of the forest, Dorothy and her friends will come to a field of poppies laced with poison that will put them to sleep.(waves hands if casting a spell, then walks off stage, focus switches to Dorothy and her friends)
Dorothy, scarecrow, tinman and lion emerge from the forest and come to a poppy field, they see the Emerald city in the distance.
Dorothy The Emerald city! There it is at last! It’s more beautiful than I imagined. How wonderful the wizard of Oz must be.
Lion Well! What are we waiting for?
Scarecrow Let’s hurry!
Tinman Let’s run!
They run through the poppy field, occasionally shouting. “Hurry” and expressing delight as the emerald city draws closer.
Suddenly, Dorothy, Toto and the cowardly lion slow down due to the witch’s spell. They start feeling very sleepy.
Dorothy ( Yawning) why do I suddenly feel so sleepy? I need a rest. ( falls asleep among the poppies, as does toto and lion)
Scarecrow No Dorothy not now, we’re almost there. Oh Lion, you’re no help.
Tinman We need to carry her and help her along. ( Tries to pull dorothy’s arm, Scarecrow pulls other arm but she won’t budge)
Scarecrow Oh no, she won’t budge, it’s a spell, the witch’s spell !
Tinman What are we gonna do? ( screams “HELP” repeatedly)
Scarecrow No one can hear you scream here! (Tinman starts to cry) Don’t cry, you’ll rust again!
Tinman continues to cry until he rusts, Glynda comes on stage and waves her wand and snow starts to fall.
Scarecrow It’s snowing! Maybe that will help? ( Dorothy wakes up) It is helping, Dorothy, you’re awake! (Dorothy and lion yawn and sit up)
Lion What unusual weather this is.
Dorothy (points at tinman) Oh no, he’s rusted again, who’s got the oil can? We need it quick!
Dorothy, lion and Scarecrow take turns at oiling tinman. West witch comes on stage.
West witch Curses! That girl always receives help. I can still conquer her and all that try to stop me. ( mounts broom and walks off)
Dorothy Let’s get going, the Emerald city is closer than ever. (joins hands with scarecrow, tinman and lion, they make their way to main doors to Emerald city. They arrive and ring bell, a doorman pokes his head through the door)
Doorman Can’t you read the sign?
Dorothy, Tinman, Scarecrow and lion. What sign!
Doorman closes the door. Gets the sign puts it on the door. It reads “Bell broken ,please knock”
Dorothy knocks on the door.
Doorman That’s the way, now what brings you here? What’s your business?
Dorothy, Tinman, Scarecrow and lion. We’re here to see the Wizard.
Doorman No one sees the Wizard. I haven’t even seen the Wizard.
Dorothy I have to see the wizard, the good witch sent me. I killed the wicked witch of the East. Look I’ve got her ruby slippers. (points to her feet)
Doorman Well why didn’t you say so, come on in.
Dorothy and friends enter the Emerald city and are made more presentable. As they sing. “ Merry old land of Oz”
Citizens of Oz Ha, ha, ha. Ho, ho, ho. And a couple of tra – la – las. That’s how we laugh the day away. In the merry old land of Oz.
Bzz, Bzz, Bzz. Chirp, Chirp, Chirp. And a couple of la - di – das
That’s how the crickets crick all day. In the merry old land of Oz.
We get up at twelve. And start work at one. Take an hour for lunch.
And then at two we are done. Jolly good fun.
Ha, ha, ha. Ho, ho, ho. And a couple of tra – la – las. That’s how we laugh the day away. In the merry old land of Oz.
Ha, ha, ha. Ho, ho, ho. Ha, ha,ha,ha,ha. That’s how we laugh the day away. In the merry old land of Oz.
Scarecrow’s Beauticians
Pat, pat here, pat pat there. And a couple of brand new straws.
That’s how we keep you young and fair. In the merry old land of Oz.
Tinman’s Beauticians.
Rub, rub here, rub, rub there. Whether you’re tin of brass. That’s how we keep you in repair. In the merry old land of Oz.
Dorothy’s Beauticians
We can make a dimple smile. Out of a frown
Dorothy Can you even dye my eyes. To match my gown.
Dorothy’s Beautician Uh – huh!
Dorothy Jolly old town!
Lion’s Beauticians
Clip, clip here clip, clip there. We give the roughest claws.
Lion That certain air of saviour faire. In the merry old land of Oz. Ha!
Scarecrow Ha.ha,ha.
Tinman Ho,ho,ho.
Dorothy Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Lion Ha!
All Together
That’s how we laugh the day away. In the merry old land of Oz.
How we laugh the day away. With a Ho, ho, ho.
And a Ha, ha, ha. In the merry old land of Oz..
The Wicked witch of the west enters. (Everyone gasps)
West witch “SURRENDER DOROTHY” Then leaves
Dorothy Oh no, the witch followed us, we’d better get to the Wizard quick.
Doorman The great Oz knows what to do, now go home
Dorothy But I’m Dorothy, It’s very important. We have all come this way. I killed the witch of the east.
Doorman (sighs) Oh very well. I’ll announce you to the Wizard.
Scarecrow I’ve as good as got a brain
Tinman I can almost here my heart beating.
Dorothy I’ll be home for supper.
Lion I’ll soon be king of the forest.
The doorman walks into the corridor.
Doorman The Wizard says “Go Away”
Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tinman, Lion “Go Away”
Dorothy starts to cry
Dorothy Oh, this is all my fault, Aunty Em is sick and probably Dying and I’ve let you all down.
Doorman Oh no don’t cry, I’ll let you all in.
They walk up to some huge doors. The Doors open like magic. They walk in and the doors shut with a clang. They are in an eerie corridor passage.
Sound Effects Clanging machinery, gushing water and roaring fire.
Wizard ( from a distance) ENTER!
Dorothy and friends enter with caution, they see a projected image of a face
Wizard I AM THE GREAT OZ! WHO ARE YOU? ANSWER ME. ( Dorothy steps forward)
Dorothy I am Dorothy, Sir, we’re here to ask…
Wizard QUIET (Dorothy steps back in fear) I KNOW WHY YOU ARE HERE, YOU FIRST TINMAN (Tinman steps forward) YOU DARE TO ASK FOR A HEART, YOU HUNK OF JUNK?
Tinman Yes you’re honour, we…
Wizard QUIET! (Tinman steps back in fear) YOU SCARECROW, YOU ASK FOR A BRAIN, YOU BAIL OF CATTLE FODDER? ( Scarecrow stumbles repeatedly and falls to his knees)
Scarecrow Yes, Your…Your…Your…
Wizard QUIET! YOU LION! ( Scarecrow jumps to his feet and stumbles back, lion steps forward) WELL? (lion faints)
Dorothy you should be ashamed of frightening people. Who come for your help!
Wizard QUIET YOU! I have every intention of helping you but you must prove yourselves worthy, by bringing me the broomstick of the witch of the west, then your request will be granted. NOW GO!
Dorothy, toto, Scarecrow, tin man and lion are in a dark forest. (Owls hoot and bats cry out) they huddle together in fear. They see the castle of the west witch in the distance.
Scarecrow I believe this place is crawling with spooks.
Tinman Don’t be daft there is no such thing as spooks.
Lion You don’t believe in spooks?
Tinman Of course not, now I..(Tinman suddenly gets knocked off his feet and falls backward)
Dorothy Oh tinman are you alright?( Dorothy runs to tinman and helps him up, assisted by scarecrow, lion stands by, pulling his tail and repeatedly expressing his belief in spooks. The west witch comes on.
West witch They should believe in spooks and much more before. I’ve finished with them. Now to send my army of monkeys to capture, that girl and her dog and bring them here without a scratch and those ruby slippers. Will soon be mine. The other three shall be no match for my monkeys. So they can do what they like with them!(West witch walks away.)
Dorothy and her friends see monkeys coming in the distance. Monkeys appear, they chase and catch Dorothy and toto then they fight off tinman, lion and scarecrow then leave.
Dorothy, tinman, lion , scarecrow ( screaming repeatedly) HELP!
Tinman, lion, scarecrow ( all lying in a heap after Dorothy and toto are taken away by monkeys) They got Dorothy!
Scarecrow They tore me to bits too!
Lion Took the stuffing out of you, more like.
Tinman Well let’s put you back together then we can rescue Dorothy.
All three of them freeze, the west witch appears with Dorothy and two monkeys either side of her. Toto barks at the witch.
West witch You mangy dog! ( tries to kick toto, toto tries to bite her)
Dorothy Leave him alone! Give him back! PLEASE!
West witch You give me those ruby slippers.
Dorothy Glynda the good witch of the north told me not to!
West witch Well then say good bye to your dog before I drown him!.
Dorothy No don’t, give him back, you can have your slippers.
West witch I knew you’d see reason. ( makes a grab for the ruby slippers, there is a brief buzzing sound and the witch screams)
Dorothy I’m sorry, I didn’t do it, can I still have my dog?
West witch (rubbing her hands) No you can’t! I forgot those slippers won’t come off if you’re alive. Now I need to plan this carefully. ( Toto escapes and runs away, only Dorothy sees this)
Dorothy RUN TOTO! RUN! He got away!
West witch You won’t though, you’ve been more trouble than your worth but it will be all over soon. ( grabs an hour glass and turns it over) That’s how long you have to live and it’s not long, I won’t wake forever for those slippers. (walks off)
Dorothy (crying) Oh I am so scared! Here I am in Oz locked up in a witch’s castle and I just want to go home to my aunt and uncle.
scene fades to black, Dorothy walks off. Scarecrow, tinman and lion walk on. Toto appears as well.
Scarcrow Hey look it’s Toto.
Tinman He’s escaped.
Scarecrow (Interpreting Toto’s barking) He will show us to Dorothy.
Lion Oh I hope my strength holds out.
Tinman I hope your nerves hold out.
Scarecrow There’s the witch’s castle, Dorothy’s in there.
Tinman (feeling sad) Oh, we’ve just got to recue her!
Scarecrow Not now tinman, we don’t have the oil can at the moment.
Lion I’ve heard enough of his squeaking…( Gasps and points) WHO’S THEM? (chanting of witch’s guards)
Scarecrow I have a plan, lion you lead on.
Lion Me? Lead You two? In there?
Scarecrow Tinman Yes!
Lion Alright I’ll do it for Dorothy! I’ll get her out of there if it kills me! Please talk me out of it.
Scarecrow Tinman Oh no, you don’t ( three guards come on, they seize scarecrow, tinman and lion and drag them away. Toto remains and barks as there are sounds of shouting and screaming. Scarecrow, tinman and lion come back disguised as guards.)
Scarecrow Now we follow the guards. It’s our only way in.
Lion You’re sure we are not breaking and entering?
Tinman Come on lion! ( Scarecrow, lion and Tinman march on the spot then stop)
Scarecrow Dorothy where are you?
Dorothy ( in the distance a faint voice can be heard) I’m here! ( Toto leads Scarecrow, Tinman and lion off stage. All four come back on accompanied by Dorothy)
Scarecrow, tinman, lion Dorothy we’ve found you!
Dorothy You brought Toto too! Now let’s get out of here. ( The west witch comes on cackling)
West witch Leaving so soon? Oh no you don’t. The last to go will see the first three go before her! ( a couple of guards and a monkey appear, west witch waves her hands together and conjures a ball of fire which she shoots at the scarecrow, setting his arm on fire, Dorothy grabs a bucket of water and flings it at scarecrow, putting out the fire. Which also splashes on the witch. The witch screams) you brat, look what you’ve done to me. I’m melting! You’ve destroyed my wickedness! Oh what a world! ( The west witch continues to scream and wail until there is nothing left of her but complete silence.)
Guard She’s… dead! You’ve killed her!
Dorothy I didn’t mean to, Scarecrow was on fire
Guard All hail Dorothy! The witch is dead!
Dorothy The broom, we need to take it back to the wizard.
Guard Go ahead! Take it! Spread the word. The witch is dead.
They all walk off and reappear in the Emerald city with the wizard.
Dorothy We are and we have brought you the broomstick of the west witch, We melted her. Now you promised us you’d grant our requests.
Dorothy I want to go home now!
Scarecrow, Tinman, Lion You’ve had plenty of time already!
Dorothy Great and powerful people keep their promises!
Toto runs away and comes back followed by Professor Marvel.
Dorothy Who are you?
Prof Marvel I am THE GREAT AND POWERFUL. Wizard of Oz
Dorothy I don’t believe you?
Prof Marvel It’s true.
Scarecrow You’re a humbug!
Tinman A very bad man!
Prof Marvel No I’m a good man, just a bad wizard.
Lion You promised me courage and Tinman a heart and Scarecrow a brain.
Prof Marvel Oh anyone can have a brain, they have just one thing Scarecrow hasn’t, a diploma! ( Grabs a black bag, takes out a diploma and gives it to Scarecrow) I declare you a doctor of thinkology.
Scarecrow Pi times radius squared… I’ve got a brain! Thank you!
Prof Marvel Now you lion, running away from danger is wisdom, not cowardice, you have as much confidence as anyone else but they have one thing you haven’t, a medal! ( takes a medal out of his bag and gives it to Lion) You are now a member of the legion of courage.
Lion I’m speechless.
Prof Marvel Now you Tinman, you want a heart, you don’t realise how lucky you are not to have one.
Tinman I still want one.
Prof Marvel There are people out there who do nothing but good deeds, they have no more hearts than you but they have one thing you haven’t a testimonial! ( takes a heart shaped watch out of his bag and gives it to Tinman) Remember a heart is measured by how much others love you.
Tinman It ticks! (Holds watch to his ear)
Lion My medal says courage!
Scarecrow What about Dorothy?
Tinman Yes, Dorothy next!
Dorothy They’re all wonderful but there’s nothing for me is there?
Prof Marvel If you want to go home then I’ll have to take you there myself!
Dorothy You will? (grins from ear to ear) You think you can really do that?
Prof Marvel Of course. I can! I’m from Kansas myself. I was at a fair when my balloon got caught in a storm with me in it and I landed here in Oz and became the wizard.
(Dorothy, Scarecrow, Toto, Tinman, Lion and professor Marvel are in the middle of Emerald city. Professor Marvel, Toto and Dorothy are in a hot air balloon preparing to take off)
Prof Marvel It’s all up to me to help Dorothy return home to Kansas. So if I never return, the scarecrow shall rule in my place by virtue of his brain, assisted by the tinman by virtue of his heart and the lion by virtue of his courage. Obey them as you would me.
( Toto sees a cat and leaps out of Dorothy’s arms)
Dorothy Toto, come back! (climbs out of the basket) Don’t leave yet! (runs after Toto)
( Scarecrow, Tinman and lion attempt to follow Dorothy but this only releases the balloon and it floats away)
Prof Marvel Oh no, my exit, you’ve ruined it! ( Dorothy having reclaimed Toto, comes back)
Dorothy Oh no please don’t leave me! Come back!
Prof Marvel I can’t come back, I don’t know how! ( waves goodbye) Goodbye everyone!
Dorothy Oh how will I ever get home now?
Lion Just stay here, Dorothy, we don’t want you to leave.
Dorothy Oh how very kind of you but this will never be Kansas. Aunt Em has probably forgotten about me, what do I do know, Scarecrow?
Scarecrow Look I think help is on it’s way (points)
Glinda comes in and walks up to dorothy.
Dorothy can you please help me?
Glinda you no longer need help, you have the power to return to Kansas, you always have!
Scarecrow Why didn’t you tell her sooner?
Glinda She wouldn’t have believe me, she had to find that out herself.
Tinman What have you learned Dorothy?
Dorothy Well, I’ve learned that it was more than just wanting to see Aunt Em and Uncle Henry and I’ll never look further than my backyard for my heart’s desire cos if it isn’t there then I never lost it in the first place. Is that it?
Glinda That is it!
Scarecrow I should have thought of that for her.
Tinman I should have found that in my heart.
Glinda She had to find it out herself (Turns to Dorothy) Now two seconds is all it will take for those magic slippers to get you and Toto home.
Dorothy That’s too wonderful to be true. I hate goodbyes, I love you all too! (turns to tinman) Goodbye Tinman and please don’t cry, you’ll rust terribly, here’s your oilcan ( hands oilcan to tinman and hugs him,) goodbye.
Tinman (almost crying) I know I have a heart now, It’s breaking.
Dorothy (Turns to lion) Goodbye lion, I know I shouldn’t say it but I’ll miss how you used to cry for help before you found you’re courage. (hugs lion)
Lion I wouldn’t have found it if it weren’t for you.
Dorothy (Turns to Scarecrow and hugs him) I’ll miss you the most, Scarecrow. Say goodbye Toto( shakes Toto’s paw, Scarecrow, Tinman and Lion waveback) I’m ready to go now .
Glinda Close your eyes, tap your heels thrice and think There’s no place like home.
Dorothy ( closes eyes, tap heels, repeatedly chanting) There’s no place like home.
(Dorothy continues to chant. There’s no place like home. Everything goes black as glinda, Scarecrow, tinman and lion dissapear . Light reappears . Dorothy opens her eyes and finds herself back in Kansas.
Aunt Em Dorothy , You’re back!
Dorothy Aunt Em. It’s you! (Professor Marvel enters)
Prof Marvel Anyone home? I hope your little girl is alright and she is.
Uncle Henry Yes, we thought she’d left us.
Dorothy I did leave you and I tried to get back for ages.
Aunty Em you just had a bad dream. (Zeke, hickory and hunk appear)
Zeke, hickory and Hunk Remember us Dorothy?
Dorothy This was no dream, It was a real life place and you were all there ( points at professor and farm tradesmen). Some of it was horrible but it was mostly beautiful and I just kept saying. I want to go home to everyone and they sent me home, does anyone believe me.
Aunt Em Of course we do! ( Everyone else nods)
Dorothy Anyway, Toto we’re home, our home, our whole family is here and I’m never leaving again because. I love you all. THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!