Task Name
Personal Portfolio website
16th Oct 2015 (3
16th Oct 2015 (3pm)
Now you have created your website you must reflect on the production process. You need to complete the table below in detail and give specific examples to support the points you make.
Q1. What have you learnt during this unit?
For example: you will have learnt several technical skills i.e. designing a logo in Photoshop or illustrator: what new techniques did learn? You may also have learnt personal skills i.e. how to be more organised, plan a website and work to a deadline.
I have learnt numerous things in this project. Firstly, I had never used Wix before so once I created my account I spent some time experimenting with the different tools available such as text, image and gallery. I learnt how to import YouTube videos and add a border round them to suit the design of my website. I chose a red border to stand out against my blue background colour. Secondly, I designed my own logo in Powerpoint as I had too much difficulty trying to get the hang of using Photoshop. In the end, I ended up having to design my logo on my website itself. Thirdly, I learnt the importance of planning: my site map made setting up the navigation of my website simpler as I had already planned how many pages I needed and what they would be called. My main pages would consist of Work Experience which will include all the films and Photography I make, an About Me page that contains my Personal Statement describing who I am, where I am from, what my interests are and what I hope to achieve in the future, and my Hobbies and Interests. My other main pages are My Work which will feature all the work, Assignments and Scripts I have made both in and out of Oaklands and will continue to make as the year progresses. I have learned a lot about the design process of building a website and the skills involved and the time management required and solving unexpected problems.
Q2. How would you describe your time management during this unit?
I have tried to remain as focused on creating my website as possible and get as much of the required tasks done on time as possible. I have suffered setbacks along the way as described below and have managed to find solutions to those problems. I have worked very hard to make as much progress as I possibly can with building my website for now as I will continue to add to it as the year progresses.
Q3. What issues did you face during making your website? How did you overcome these?
The main issue during the creation of my website was creating my logo. I found Adobe Logo Illustrator and Photoshop too difficult to work with so I ended up designing my logo using Microsoft Powerpoint. I just re-created my logo when I started designing my website. For some reason, Wix does not allow its users to add tabs to tabs they have already made so I simply decided to add more tabs to the main pages in addition to the tabs I had already made and link the tabs to each other. This has resulted in my website having a lot more tabs than I originally intended but that has given it all the more information to attract interest from potential visitors.
Q4. What are the strengths of you website?
The font is clear and the colors complement each other well. It has good use of links to other websites such as my blog and organizations that I have previously associated with and most of my footage is on the page with more footage to come and also more of my scripts and College Assignments.
Q5. What are the weaknesses of your website?
I have not been able to use my intended logo. A lot of pages have just been created and therefore are still being worked on or have yet to be worked on. A lot of the pages just have a plain white background and not a lot of information and some do not have any at all as of yet.
Q6. How could your website be improved?
I really need to finish working on and improving certain pages, the most particularly examples being the My Work and Work Experience pages. I also need to work on improving some of the more recently created pages as I have yet to add a substantial amount of information if any info at all to them.
Q7. What did your peers think about your website? What changes have been recommended?
According to my peers, the strengths of my website are that it is very neatly laid out and that they liked the Menu Bar and Search Site as these make navigation quicker. My peers also thought the font on the About me page could be more bold.